Puasa global
- 24 Mei 2022
Menteri Ketenagakerjaan Ida Fauziyah (tengah) bersama Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Ketenagakerjaan India Bhupender Yadav (keenam kiri), Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Jaminan Sosial Turki Vedat Bilgin (keenam kanan), Menteri SDM dan Pembangunan Sosial Arab Saudi Ahmed Al-Rajhi (keempat kanan) dan sejumlah menteri ketenagakerjaan negara anggota G20 mengikuti sesi foto usai pertemuan G20 Labour and Employment Ministers Meeting (LEMM) di Jimbaran, Badung, Bali, Rabu (14/9/2022). Pertemuan yang dihadiri para Menteri Ketenagakerjaan negara anggota G20 tersebut menghasilkan lima dokumen penting yakni pertama, Action Plan on Accelerating and Monitoring the G20 Principles for the Labour Market Integration of Persons with Disabilities, kedua, The G20 Policy Recommendations for Sustainable Growth and Productivity in Human Capacity Development through Strengthening Community-Based Vocational Training (CBVT), ketiga, Policy Recommendation on Promoting Entrepreneurship and Supporting Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) as a Job Creation Instrument, keempat, G20 Policy Principles on Adapting Labour Protection for More Effective Protection and Increased Resilience for All Workers, dan kelima, Update of the G20 Skills Strategy. ANTARA FOTO/Nyoman Hendra Wibowo/wsj.
Menteri Ketenagakerjaan Ida Fauziyah (keempat kiri) berbincang dengan Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Ketenagakerjaan India Bhupender Yadav (ketiga kiri) saat sesi foto bersama menteri ketenagakerjaan negara anggota G20 usai pertemuan G20 Labour and Employment Ministers Meeting (LEMM) di Jimbaran, Badung, Bali, Rabu (14/9/2022). Pertemuan yang dihadiri para Menteri Ketenagakerjaan negara anggota G20 tersebut menghasilkan lima dokumen penting yakni pertama, Action Plan on Accelerating and Monitoring the G20 Principles for the Labour Market Integration of Persons with Disabilities, kedua, The G20 Policy Recommendations for Sustainable Growth and Productivity in Human Capacity Development through Strengthening Community-Based Vocational Training (CBVT), ketiga, Policy Recommendation on Promoting Entrepreneurship and Supporting Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) as a Job Creation Instrument, keempat, G20 Policy Principles on Adapting Labour Protection for More Effective Protection and Increased Resilience for All Workers, dan kelima, Update of the G20 Skills Strategy. ANTARA FOTO/Nyoman Hendra Wibowo/wsj.